Class Description

Almost every question on the JAMB and WAEC English exam relies on you having a strong vocabulary. So a strong vocabulary is the number one factor on your success on this exam.

This course will cover 100 of the words that Jambites have had the most difficulty with. Each word will be covered in detail, with thought provoking examples and in-depth discussion of the word in context. Many of the definitions have pictures to aid in memorization.

Gaining a mastery of these challenging words, will position you to gain a high score on the Use of English exam


No prerequisite

₦ 250

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21 Slideshows

4 Audio files

15 Notes

6 Quizes

What you will learn

Definitions, examples of word use in context and pictorial representation of the most challenging words that appear on the JAMB and WAEC English exams.


How to Improve your reading
Ambitious and Antipathy
Dementia and Deplorable
Vicious and Volatile
Indefinitely and Transculent
Jaunty and Cordial
Bias and Practiced
Infallible and Casual
Alarm and Excite
Idle and Eager
Inconsistent and Resume
Unforgettable and Coalition
Commend and Reflect
Adequate and Fulfill
Imagine and Cease
Generous and Sudden
Popular and Isolated
Garner and Infuriated
Idiosyncrasy and Patriarch
Ignominious and Oblivious
Eligible and Niggardly
Unrest and Aghast
Eternal and Phlegmatic
Benevolent and Acquaint
Evasive and Scanty
Antidote and Persuade
Matricide and Frankness
Assailant and Litigation
Frosty and Scheme
Reverse and Senile
Factual and Ferocious
Flawless and Hapless
Incorrigible and Incurious
Insanity and Legacy
Placate and Recrimination
Dispute and Exaggerate
Pejorative and Perception
Idealist and Expert
Sententious and Tardy
Contemporary and Curt
Wicked and Ardent
Gentle and Decline
Challenge and Instinct
Resuscitate and Central
Detriment and Vindictive
Delightful and Foresight
Embodiment and Invent
Unexpected and Critical
Lackluster and Sporadic
Loving and Allow
Seize and Genuine
Typical and Encourage
Timid and Unwarranted
Tactful and Superficial

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